Saturday, October 21, 2006

Yale to Make Select Courses Availale on Web

Thanks to a grant from the Hewlett Foundation, digital recordings of selected lecture courses are to be made available in the fall of 2007 to the general public. One slated for early release is Prof. Christine Hayes's highly-regarded "Introduction to the Old Testament". (Cf. Office of Public Affairs Oct. 21 news release)


Friday, October 20, 2006

Darwin on the Web

As reported on Slashdot 10/20/06, the University of Cambridge is mounting the collected works of Charles Darwin online. For example, the first edition of the 1859 Origin of species. Image of original book appears on right, with full text for scrolling on left. Project to be completed by 2009


Friday, October 06, 2006

"Senses of Religion" conference (Nov. 2006)

The Yale Department of Religious Studies is hosting a conference on the role of sensory experience in various ancient and contemporary religious traditions. The program, entitled The Senses of Religion, will take place on October 27th through the 29th in SSS rooms 405 and 410. The keynote speaker is Ronald Grimes of Raboud University who will discuss "Ritual Theory and the Senses: John Bourke among the Hopis"