Monday, March 12, 2007

Bib Control WG

Interesting people involved in the LC Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control. And some are taking notes. E.g., Karen Coyle and Lorcan Dempsey. Others--not necessarily in attendance--are also following the story, e.g., Karen Schneider , ALA TechSource , Talis. Karen Coyle has also posted a more integrated version of her notes from the first session.

The current discussions on RDA and OPAC 2.0 are closely related. Karen Coyle, Diane Hilman, Jonathan Rochkind, and Paul Wiess have posted their Framework for a Bibliographic Future on the FutureLib wiki.

CCDA is currently discussing the RDA "Scope and Structure" document, on which Paul has commented "There are a number of misuses of DCAM and the Metadata Framework, the major ones of which are raised below. It seems that JSC is not sufficiently familiar with the models it hopes to take advantage of. " DCAM is the Dublin Core Abstract Model. Diane Hillman has posted her notes from the second session ("Scope and Structures") at the LITA Blog.

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