The Northeast ExLibris User Group is meeting at the Yale Divinity School.
Schedule of Events:
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Welcome Address Niebuhr Hall (N123) NEUG Officers
9:15-10:00 ExLibris Update - Company updates, Future of RUGs at ExLibris Niebuhr Hall (N123) Susan Stearns, VP Customer Services (ExLibris)
10:15-11:15 First Sessions
- Voyager Product Update Voyager 6.5 release, ILL 6.5 release, Voyager 7.0, Analyzer Niebuhr Hall (N123)
- Jenny Forbes, Customer Liaison (ExLibris)
11:30-12:30 Second Sessions
- Querying Voyager with MS Access CANCELLED
- SFX at Yale University Library A look at the staff administrative module of SFX and local practice at YUL Niebuhr Hall (N123) Nisa Bakkalbasi (Yale)
12:30-2:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Primo and Verde Product Updates Niebuhr Hall (N123) Susan Pastore, VP Sales (ExLibris)
2:00-3:00 Third Sessions
- Enhancing Your OPAC without Losing Your Mind Enhance your Voyager OPAC using: book covers from different sources, Google Books, and other customizations. Source code for all the enhancements will be provided as well as a few tips and tricks regarding general issues with the OPAC. J. Edwards Dining Hall (N126) Julia E. Allen (FLO- WIT)
- Panel: A Look at the Aleph ILS and a Discussion on the Future of the ExLibris ILS An overview of managing the Aleph ILS followed by a group discussion on the future of Aleph and Voyager at ExLibris Niebuhr Hall (N123) Jan Jourdain (Amherst College), Tania Fersenheim (Brandeis University)
3:15-4:00 SIGs
- DIGITool Discussion of the different ExLibris products, including various Voyager modules Library Seminar Room (L104) Rodney G. Obien (WPI)
- Acquisitions J. Edwards Dining Hall (N126) Lora Brueck (WPI)
- Cataloging Niebuhr Hall (N123) Catherine Touhy (Emmanuel)
- Systems Library Seminar Room (L104) TBA
- Circulation Common Room (N226) TBA
4:00-4:30 Business Meeting Niebuhr Hall (N123)
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